Joining the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa

If your company does business with homeowners, home builders or in the residential marketplace in any capacity, then I strongly suggest that you consider joining the Tulsa HBA.

With well over 1,000 members, the Tulsa HBA is recognized nationally for its strength and influence in the local building industry. Members benefit from the enhanced credibility arising from being accepted into such a prestigious group. The public recognizes the value of using an HBA member company that has sworn to abide by the association's code of ethics.

Please use the download links below to access the appropriate application documents. If you have questions, please email Frank.

Affiliate / 2nd Member Application

Used to add one or more additional applicants.

Most companies add additional members as Affiliates, which are recognized at the state and local levels. Certain benefits only come with national recognition as a 2nd member.

Download "Affiliate 2nd Member 01-16 FORM.pdf"

Remodelers Council Application

Optional membership extension for those involved directly with remodeling activities or major home improvements

Download "Remodelers Council 03-14.pdf"

Sales and Marketing Council Application

Optional membership extension for those involved directly with the selling or marketing of a product or service.

Download "SMC Application 2016-FINAL.pdf"

Reference Letters

Used to supply the membership committee with additional references, only when required, as detailed on the primary application.